I am excited to announce that I will be starting a new series on Monday called “Out of the Dark, Into the Light.” Most of the posts will be from guest bloggers who can shed light on different areas they have struggled with. Hopefully this series will be able to reach into many of your dark places and shed light on your heart. This series has been on my heart since the beginning of the year, and I am praying that God blesses each reader and each post, to help set captives free, mainly because I know how murky your mind can be when you are in the dark.
I happened upon these verses yesterday and have been meditating on what they mean for my life:
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God. John 3:19-21
Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God. 1 Corinthians 4:5
I thought I would share them with you to think about before the series starts.
On a separate but related note, God’s been doing a lot of work in my heart, exposing it, shedding light on the dark places, and I expect you will hear more about that soon. Though my wrestling is not over, I am beginning to sense some peace and feel like the wrestling is about to be over. I hesitate to say that because I know I will pick up something else to wrestle or whatnot. But I sense God doing a great work within me – a completion of something started long ago. He is calling me to a place of prayer and fasting, though I have not fasted yet. I recognize that I have a slower paced life than most. We try to do less activities than many. I am awful at returning emails because I TRY to keep what is before me before me and not something else. As a blogger, I often fail at that. Yet, He hasn’t called me to get better at emailing or even to spend more time doing, but to do less. Have less. Be less. I am a snail in today’s world, and I sense He wants me to go at an even slower pace, not at the world’s pace. I don’t know, I may be sharing before any of it makes sense. I just sense God calling me to a changed life, a changed heart. More of Him and less of me, I think.
Okay, so I often tell you about things and very often I don’t finish things on here. Well I memorized James 1, and I am proud of that fact, and I wanted to share with you. So here is a video of me reciting James 1. I didn’t get fancy or pretty for the video, and I stumble toward the end of the chapter. I replaced a “because” with a “for” and I completely left out “our Father” in the verses at the end of the chapter, but I wanted to remain accountable to you, and this seemed the best way to do it. Definitely expect a blog series on James or a bible study or ebook. Speaking of ebooks, I have two in the works. That seems so weird to say out loud, but I it’s true.
Come back Monday to read an awesome post on “Exposing Jealousy.”
Great job on persevering and finishing James 1! I got to about verse 8 last year and stumbled…looking forward to your series.
Yeah, I stopped and restarted. Thankfully we get a lot of do overs in life. 🙂 Glad you will be joining us for the series.
I’m looking forward to your new series. I’ve come through a few dark moments in my life. So thankful for the light of Christ!
Amen, me too, Barbie. Glad you will be joining us!