So being a mommy is the hardest job in the world and a bit overwhelming. I mean I could literally have all of the following titles most of the time:
- accountant (I keep the books in our home and I clip coupons and maximize our savings around here – this is how I make money)
- chef
- teacher
- decorator
- personal assistant
- project manager
- housekeeper
- business woman
- nanny
But I do it all for the love of my kids and my hubby. That’s the only “payment” I receive, and since my kids, especially my Princess seems to need my every moment’s attention until I start my job as chef and begin preparing dinner, I occasionally get burnout, and when I get burnout, I usually react like the end of the world is coming any minute. This is my drama (that I get from my mother) coming out in me. So today waking up still in the funk, I thought I simply cannot go on if I have another day like yesterday and the day before, so I remembered that “Hey, I’m supposed to be giving each day to God to do as He will with it. I’m gonna do that.” I learned this in a Beth Moore bible study, and sometimes, I do it, and sometimes I fail to do it. And, hey buddy, when I fail to do it, I certainly KNOW! So today, beginning the day with a simple prayer was much better. Even though I had to discipline Princess several times as usual, it didn’t feel like the world was going to end and I had more control, because He was in control, and I had given the control over to Him rightfully.
I did try a few tactics of which I don’t usually try to resort to – like 1) we spent time at the playground trying to run off energy, and 2) we spent more time outside after lunch working it. Since Princess has given up her nap, I enforce a quiet time at my home, of which, she usually has to get in her bed. But in her room, she has free access to toys and it is right next to Pea’s room as well, so today she got to watch Oliver Twist instead. We read the book – now we got to watch the movie. I limit TV time to 2 hours or less, so Oliver fit the bill, and Pea doesn’t watch TV at all anyway.
And, even though, I still trying to figure out what exactly my role is here on planet earth, I know I’m not alone. I’ve read the other blogs. I especially like what Amanda says here. I’m still fuzzy. I know I am doing what I’m made to do, but I know also that I am made for more. Just waiting on God to get me there.
Hey Jamie. Just wanted to leave a note on this and other recent blogs. I can definitely understand the “is anybody out there” feeling – but I wanted you to know that I’m here, any time! You are in my thoughts and prayers. You are doing an excellent job as a mommy (trust me, I saw you in action!!), and you are an incredible friend. Princess and Pea are blessed – as am I.