When God speaks to me, He does not necessarily repeat something to me over and over, although, when something does repeat, I know it is really important. I first learned the concept of repetition being important 5 or 6 years ago. A woman who used to lead studies in our church named Jill Glassco is who I heard it from first. And then a gentle reminder at our ladies retreat back in January about the Sacred Echo. But God has used many means and methods to speak to me. Please do not get me wrong about my next statement. I am no new age thinker, but God can be found everywhere in everything. I suppose the difference between my thoughts and one regarding new age is that I believe there is one way to God, but He uses all things to get you to the One. I believe like Ann Voskamp that each moment is an opportunity for communion with the divine.
Example: God gave me some thoughts about our compost pile. I was going to write a post about that. Yesterday, I was driving around, and the car in front of me had a magnet that was a teal ribbon for ovarian cancer. God gave me His thoughts on that, and that as I pondered them, I realized the two things were really one. But I don’t completely know the direction He is going with it until I write it and the Spirit guides me to His truth.
How do I know that those thoughts are not my own? He brings a bible verse to mind or He shows me how whatever I am thinking about is about Him and His glory. My own natural inclination is to think self degrading thoughts, and I feel that I am incapable on my own accord to think Higher thoughts. He brings Himself to mind. His Spirit moves my spirit, guides me, counsels me, helps to see and understand what the Father wants of me.
Are my words inspired like the words of Scripture are? Yes and no. My words are not Scripture. The Bible was completed with the book of Revelation and admonishment is given by John that no one add or take away from his letter of Revelation, which I believe is admonishment for the entirety of the Bible itself. However, I believe that I am still a letter and my words are thus as described in 2 Cor. 3:2, “You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” As people (Christians) who carry around the Divine Father, Son, and Spirit around in their temple bodies each and every day, we are the daily and continual revelation of God Himself. But everything I say and do is not of God. I still sin and mess up. Believers should still check my words with the Word and with the Spirit who resides in them. I am not God, but occasionally God uses me.
Yes! This is it exactly!!! Very, very well said. God uses you often and I am grateful.