When the heart begins to surrender, it stills. It listens. It stops its irregular anxious pace and beats with rhyme and rhythm. It bows low, and releases its struggle to the King.
The heart aches; it breaks.
It is where evil can grow. But where evil flourishes, God rewrites. And he has written on the hearts of His people.
It is central to who we are.
The heart is the center of our emotion, our feeling. It is not always trustworthy, but God rewrites.
Since I’ve been decluttering my weary heart, the first time I turned on the radio, I heard Ravi Zaccharias speak on the heart – evil intent versus Godly remaking.
Then, this from my daughter at church
She’s clearly drawn a heart on her forehead and has no idea that I’m studying this,
“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” Deuteronomy 6:6-8
Nor does my baby girl who sees the silver heart worn around my mom’s neck and tells me that I need to put it in my head.
“Mama, you put this heart in your head.” she says.
My daughter’s cheer coach says she’s been healed by Todd White, and even though I’ve never heard of him, I google him to find a youtube video of him saying, “The heart can get you into places the head/brain can never go.”
Later in the week, my son brings me this card, not from him, but from one of his classmates:
and then my friend, Shelly, shares this heart on facebook:
with this verse attached to it
“I will put My laws into their minds, And I will write them on their hearts. And I will be their God, And they shall be My people.” Hebrews 8:10.
I share this heart on facebook, which motivates a different friend to give me a new heart,
Coincidence? or God’s gentle way of speaking to me? I think the latter.
I don’t fully understand what He is saying to me, but one message is clear. He loves me. He loves you.
His love – never ending, unfailing, always remaining, complete love.
Linking up with: The Better Mom, Michelle DeRusha, Playdates with God, and Miscellany Monday.
Dear Jamie
We oftentimes think that it is what we do for God that earns His approval and there truly is only one thing He desires from us: our hearts and our love. Not because of anything else, but because He loves us so much! Over via Laura’s.
Much love
YES! emphatically, yes. Thanks for stopping by and sharing that. Jamie
I’m so glad you are feeling God’s love for you, Jamie. I’m tuning my heart to hear God’s words of love too. it is a great pursuit that only the heart can know. Thanks so much for this encouragement!
“turning my heart to hear God’s words of love” love the way you phrased that!
Oh He he is pouring out His love on you and showing you His love through others. Blessings my friend.
Thanks for visiting, Barbie, and blessings to you as well!
Oh, Jamie, this is the sweetest. Doesn’t it feel like a big hug from Him? I love confirmation this way. Just lovely.
Amen – I love it when God works this way! Nice to see you here, Laura!
This is beautiful, Jamie. And such a great reminder, too.
Lori – Thank you!
Wow, that one phrase, “God rewrites” is powerful. Like when I write a blog and then edit it down. The Editor is a pro. He knows what needs to be deleted or tweaked. There’s some good blog material for you or anyone reading this.
yes – that is some good material. I’m really glad you added this to the discussion. Thank you. He keeps telling me there is something more for me to learn and take away from the phrase, “written on my heart.” I think you’ve struck gold! Thanks!