I was texting with a close friend I haven’t not talked to in a while. We asked each other how the other was, and in true fashion to our natures, we didn’t really want to say. She said she was making it, and I decided that even though I could say the same, I would describe how I am making it. This is what I wrote:
Making it for us means I have a child on stimulant medication and seeing a psychologist. And that I sometimes hide in my bedroom when things are too much. It means doing weight watchers because if I don’t care for myself, I will not be able to take care of the family. It means finding time for date night with Daniel just to feel human again. It means pressing on when I feel like giving up and trying not to lose it when I run out of time to clean the house before a showing. It means laughter and hugs, learning to stay calm when my kids emotions are not, and crying unexpectedly when I succeed or fail. It means walking and writing and trying new churches. It means trying not to be paralyzed by decisions though I am. And enjoying God’s gifts along the way in whatever form they come. It means learning to pray, trust, and hope in the middle of messes. I keep wrestling with who I am and who to be and why I have this crazy, hard, beautiful family, and He stills me and gives more grace.
Then she replied with her own beautiful story of making it. So maybe I can encourage you to be brave, come out of hiding, and share your own story too. Don’t leave me hanging people. It is extremely hard to be vulnerable, so I need someone to join me. See that picture – it’s my brave face, the one that says I am gonna get through this life because Jesus is my Rock!
So tell me – how are you making it? Please share in the comments your beautiful story of now. The rule is you can only respond positively to anyone who chooses to share. Anything judgmental will not be allowed. Also, you are more than welcome to email me instead. All emails will remain private and not shared with anyone but me.
I”m glad you’re taking care of yourself…so important. For me, I can only be brave to the degree I rely on God because I can’t do it on my own…wishing you a Happy Blessed Birthday and Easter 🙂
Good challenge. Definitely better than just “busy.”. Maybe making it is the new busy for a quick response? Me? I would say I’m still trying to figure out a few things, and perhaps going thru a touch of the “I’m 40 and feeling the mid-life crises” every now and then.