So I decided to pretend that I was a teacher today, and that we had to study certain subjects. I know this is cheesy, but we had the following times or “subjects”: P.E. time (running around outside, which also included learning to use a broom – yes, even a 1 year old can sweep!), reading circle, naptime for Pea (educational TV viewing for Princess/folding clothes for me), lunchtime, art (coloring and drawing/teaching Pea how to begin to color), music, arithmetic (counting objects), another naptime for Pea/quiettime for Princess, and then the “school” day was done! Oh, I guess you could say we had “recess” aka snacktime before daddy came home. It sounds silly but organizing my day into these little activities was so helpful. And my home is fairly organized right now, so I was not overwhelmed with house duties too. Finally, my heart’s desire – time well spent with the kids – accomplished! Yay! There are still a couple of activities we missed – writing for Princess, body parts for Pea, working on words with Princess, etc.
Tomorrow’s field trip – the library! I imagine Pea will be quite a little handful during storytime – he’s much busier than she was.
And, I had a dear friend keep the kids Sunday night, so Daniel and I had a date. It was so much fun, and we had time to evaluate everything we needed too, and the kids were in bed and the dishes were done when we got home. Thanks, Jill!
The schedule does help. As they get older, if they are anything like mine, they begin to argue with all that freetime they have. It is amazing how smoother the day goes when we are having school and everything is nice and structured.
Yes, I usually have to have some structure in my day at least for me, but I tried just a little more (again for me), and it was more relaxing amazingly.