A facebook friend asked her friends to define “grace.”
Here is how I defined it:
“I wish I could really put into word’s my thoughts on grace, but all of them seem inadequate. Grace is the full expression of God’s love. It sets us free. It is given without merit. It gives us worth when we are unworthy. It disciplines. What I mean by that is that it gives when we don’t deserve but it also corrects and loves deep enough to move me into a true good not a false one. It confronts. It makes me aware of a deep need and dependence on someone else, namely God. I can never give this grace back to Him or even to others except by Him. It removes the shackles of sin, of expectations, of all the shoulds. It allows me to be as I was intended to be.”
What is grace to you? How do you define grace? How do you apply grace to yourself and others?
Really like that definition. Funny (or not) how we use the same words over and over without really digesting what they mean. Words we use to describe attributes of our God can feel stale sometimes, which is why this expounding of “grace” really hits home and makes it new again. Refreshing to know and be reminded our good, great, glorious God gives us grace too. Thanks for sharing.