Hello sweet friends! I know it has been a while since I have posted here. I wanted to tell you about an opportunity to get into the Word with Word Writers.
My friend, Denise Hughes, just released two bible studies. One is on Philippians, and one is on Ephesians. She has another one on James and one on 1, 2, and 3 John coming soon. These little studies are so cute. Although they are pleasing to the eye, they are good for the heart. She has written a devotional for each daily reading, some background information, questions for you to ponder, and a spot for prayer. The studies are called #WordWriters, because the back of the book allows you to write each word of Scripture that you read. Each day gives you God’s “steps toward a life of deeper joy.”
To kick off her study of the Word, Denise invited other women, like myself, to write daily devotionals and thoughts on the word of the day for an online study. It started yesterday, but there is still time for you to join in if you would like.
I know due to my life season, I am sometimes unable to participate in a face to face study. However, I cannot stop reading the Word. It gives me the life I need to survive the season I am in! This gives me an alternative option to community during this season. I wanted to pass it to you if you are in a similar season. You can find out more information here. A link to the devotions is here. (I wrote the online devotion for Day 22, so you can be on the look out for it.)
Also, while I am here, I do hope and plan to be posting new content here soon. I might try to write for 31 days in October, but I haven’t decided. I’ve started preplanning. I just want to be mindful of the content I send and the emails I send.
Life is but a breath. Know that you are Loved (here in this space) and by a mighty God!
Love to you, too 🙂
Thanks! 🙂