I stink at meal planning and am even worse at it when I'm pregnant. I'm frankly not good at much of anything but being pregnant when I'm pregnant and in the final stages. Hubby has been improvising on ... READ the POST
The Belly
This may be the last time I am pregnant, so I thought I would document my pregnant belly. ... READ the POST
Easter festival pics
... READ the POST
I’m an Alien!
I was asked to do a video testimony for church, focusing on how I'm an alien. Only God can make that video look good - I was so nervous. At any rate, this is what I wrote out as some of my thoughts ... READ the POST
Parenting Thoughts
A Few Parenting Thoughts and Rules for the Journey 1. You are the best person for the job as the parent of your children, so take responsibility and do it. 2. No one else will put quite as much ... READ the POST
How to Give Yourself a Pedicure
"How beautiful your sandaled feet, O prince's daughter." Song of Solomon 7:1 "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news." Isaiah 52:7 "He {Jesus} poured water into a ... READ the POST