Here are some random thoughts on the seasons of women as in my earlier post about which woman you are. Although it was published on a Tuesday, I wrote it on a Sunday, and on Friday, I heard a radio ... READ the POST
Just as You Are
God loves you just as you are. He loves you no more or no less today than He did when He created you at the foundation of the earth. "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be ... READ the POST
Which Woman are You?
I walk alongside the beautiful and the ugly, the heartbroken and the mended. A few of the women I see: The single woman. She is beautiful and yet she is lonely. She longs for the day she will ... READ the POST
Quiet Time for Little Ones
Guac N' Roll said...Hey! How did you go about teaching her to do a quiet time? I'm thinking about another dear friend who has a kindergartener in the fall... and I'm not sure how I would go about this ... READ the POST
Five Minute Friday: Every Day
I am participating in Five Minute Friday over at Gypsy Mama, where you are given a prompt, write for 5 minutes and do not edit your work. Today's prompt: Five Minute Friday, Every Day. Go: Every ... READ the POST
Set Free
Sometimes, as people, Christians or not, we get ourselves into messes. We are not sure how we got ourselves there, and then before we know, we are panicking, trying with our own might to get ... READ the POST