I hope to update you on Rooted and have another post for the series to share with you soon. But today I wanted to share with you three songs that have been speaking to me. Be sure to watch the first ... READ the POST
I Like You.
Chances are, if I know you, then I like something about you. And if you read my blog, I like you already. Over my life, I've had to work through some people pleasing and self-esteem issues. I ... READ the POST
When Dreams must Die
Sometimes, it is undeniable that God is at work. I am a living breathing sinner, but God still lives in me. Ugh. I can't even imagine what He does when He is with me in the ugly. I guess it is all ... READ the POST
An Old Wrestling Revisited
Sometimes the self-centered narcissistic side of me thinks that I am like Truman of The Truman Show and that everyone in all of the world is watching my life. The secret, the mundane, the ugly. ... READ the POST
Grace to You
A facebook friend asked her friends to define "grace." Here is how I defined it: "I wish I could really put into word's my thoughts on grace, but all of them seem inadequate. Grace is the full ... READ the POST
What Grade are You?
When I was a girl, I made straight A's. I've mentioned it here. Somehow in my mind, I graded myself. I was an A. Even though socially, I was probably a C, (actually probably an F, but that girl ... READ the POST