I have someone in my life who basically only calls me when s/he has an urgent need. The conversation goes something like this: The phone rings while I'm in the middle of doing life: cooking, ... READ the POST
Last Day
Today is my oldest baby (Annabelle)'s last day of Kindergarten. I haven't written hardly anything at all about school or my thoughts. So today I will try. I say try because for a year now words ... READ the POST
Yesterday I was given some information that absolutely grieved my spirit. The reason it grieved my spirit was because God had already laid a particular person on my heart and asked that I pray that ... READ the POST
Administering Grace
The past two Wednesday nights I've been able to teach. In my opinion I don't find myself to be a good communicator of the spoken word. In the written word, it can be an art to me, and I love to do ... READ the POST
Five Minute Friday: Identity
I am linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday: Identity. GO. Most days I am still learning who I am. I am a wife, a mother, a sometimes teacher, a friend. Inside I still feel like a ... READ the POST
From Restless to Quiet
Words run through my mind continuously, wanting to be released and spilled over onto paper and pen or in cry to the Lord. They cause my soul weary restlessness, even though I stare at an empty ... READ the POST