Once upon a time, there was a little girl who liked to make people happy. She did whatever she could to please them. She became so lost in trying to make everyone happy that she did not know who she ... READ the POST
On Worth and People Pleasing
The struggle against people pleasing is constant. She talks and talks and asks me why so and so does such and such. I think it is her way of asking me why I do such and such. I feel beaten down and ... READ the POST
Thank You
Dear You, I don't know who you are. I don't know if you are one or many. But I know that you prayed for me. I don't know how long you prayed for me or even how long or what exactly you prayed ... READ the POST
Giving Grace
If you remember, I told you I had lost my bible here, and I also told you how God always helps me find lost things. Always. So I thought it relevant to tell you that I found my Bible and to tell you ... READ the POST
A Picture of Grace
I put together this simple collage years ago. My picture of grace hasn't changed much, but my understanding has. Sometimes when I look back I am surprised at what I find. This is one of those ... READ the POST
A Broken Heart
I've been thinking a lot about my prayer life lately. Yesterday the thought occurred to me that there are two times I remember praying desperately with results. One was when I was a child and wanted ... READ the POST