Every week, we’re reading through one chapter of Lysa’s book, Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions. We get together on Thursdays to talk about the chapter, share our thoughts, and ... READ the POST
Our Morning.
The alarm buzzes, and I know that another new day as begun. I lay there in the bed waiting for my husband to turn it off and get up. He does, and I look at the clock, and know I have a few minutes. He ... READ the POST
People Pleasing Pride
Pride - I'm suffering with a little of it, okay, maybe a lot, but "little" sounds much better to this soul wrestling with it. I had a friend confess to me recently that she was dealing with some ... READ the POST
Unglued: The Exploders
Each Thursday, Kayse Pratt and I are reading through Unglued. This week we are on Chapter Five Unglued: The Exploders. ************** Jamie's Thoughts There were so many things I loved about this ... READ the POST
Dear God,
Dear God, it's me, Jamie. Writing a letter to you seems so formal to me, so I'm just going to chat and ponder with You as I write. First of all, I have to say that I am quite elated that my ... READ the POST
It's consignment season. And even though I don't spend near as much time putting together consignment items as I used to, I still consign clothing, and I still buy most of my children's clothes via ... READ the POST