Every Thursday, Kayse and I continue to come Unglued. This week we pick up in Chapter 8 Unglued: My Kid Placemat Life. ******** Jamie's Thoughts This is the chapter where Lysa calls a spade a ... READ the POST
Awaken Day 3: Awaken to Sin
Today, let's see how Noah and Ham awakened to sin, Awaken Day 3: Awaken to Sin. Before we start, let's pause and ask God to awaken us to our own sins. Ask Him to identify any strongholds and ... READ the POST
Awaken Day 2: Poor Noah Got Drunk
Yesterday we talked about the first covers. Today we are going to look at our first wake up story and our main passage of Scripture for this topic, Genesis 9: 18-28, Awaken Day 2: Poor Noah ... READ the POST
Awaken Day 1: Introducing the First Covers
Welcome! I am so glad you decided to join me today in this series "Awaken: a heart to heart with God." We are going to prepare ourselves to awaken to God's cover, His voice, and His presence. None of ... READ the POST
31 days of Awaken
Last year was the first year I decided to participate in the 31 days challenge. I am going to tell you right now that I will probably not blog all 31 days, but I am going to attempt in as much as ... READ the POST
Unglued: I Need a Procedure Manual
Each week Kayse Pratt and I are coming Unglued together. This week we are on Chapter 7 Unglued: I Need a Procedure Manual. Kayse and I write our posts independently, and I am always amazed at how God ... READ the POST