Sometimes, like Samuel, we are asleep when He speaks to us. He wants us to wake up and listen - to be spiritually transformed from a position of complacency to a position of awareness. We’ve been ... READ the POST
Awaken Day 17: When God Seems Silent Part 2
Today we continue learning the lessons that God's silence brings. You can catch part 1 here. Awaken Day 17: When God seems Silent Part 2. 3. Pruning It could be said that without the season of ... READ the POST
Awaken Day 16: When God Seems Silent Part 1
As a young believer, just being discipled, or taught how to understand the things of God, I was filled with excitement to follow and obey Him. Though I heard that God often worked through pain, I ... READ the POST
Awaken Day 15: in which I tell you about a dream.
Awaken Day 15: in which I tell you about a dream God speaks in dreams. Quite literally, and also figuratively. One night about 11 years ago, God spoke to me in a dream. Though he used Daniel in the ... READ the POST
The Gift of Now
I sit with my youngest and we look at photo books. I become sad because my babies are now bigger and no longer babies, and I cannot remember much of what I see in the albums, even though it was only 4 ... READ the POST
Awaken Day 14: Learning to Listen
Awaken Day 14: Learning to Listen Imagine with me that you are Samuel. You have been dedicated to God and lived in the tabernacle your whole life. Most of what you’ve been taught and what you ... READ the POST