The potter ran his hands over the clay. He loved to play with it, forming it, shaping it, but mainly he liked to feel it pliable in his hands, pushing it, squooshing it, and reshaping it. He liked the ... READ the POST
Awaken Haiku
Empty hearts sleeping Weeping willowing waking a new gratitude. Awaken Haiku ... READ the POST
For those grieving during the holidays
For those grieving during the holidays Eight years and six days ago, I received a life changing call. In one moment, I learned that my dad was in a New Orleans hospital. His co-workers had called my ... READ the POST
Five Minute Friday: Stay
Today I am joining Lisa Jo for Five Minute Friday: Stay. He looks up at me with that enduring cute grin of his. He lays all snugly under the covers with daddy listening close by as they say the ... READ the POST
Broken Beauty: I need a Healer
I had a nice piece all written for you, but I really needed to make sure my hubby was okay with it before I shared it, since it was about a conversation we had. He has not read it yet, so this is Plan ... READ the POST
The Two Lost Sons
From the Word Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. “Not long ... READ the POST