The desire for sex waxes and wanes during different seasons of marital life. From the newly-wed phase, where sex is exciting and thrilling to the new mom phase, where sex is a chore, sex is a vital ... READ the POST
The Heart of the Matter
Day 1 I got up to take a shower. In the winter, there is never "enough" hot water, so I turned the nozzle down to create less flow and to keep the water hot longer. I do this sometimes to ... READ the POST
How Laughter is Vital to Marriage
Let me confess to you a simple observation: the topics in this series continue to get progressively harder for me to write about. (I know, I know - I ended a sentence with a preposition!) When I began ... READ the POST
a cluttered heart
Annabelle says that Lisabeth is not a baby nor she is a kid: she's a kiddeo. Daniel and I decided we like that better than "preschooler" nomenclature, so kiddeo she is. haha :) I wish she could stay a ... READ the POST
| Love does…
I, Jamie, take you Daniel to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day ... READ the POST
Five Minute Friday: Bare
I'm joining Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday: bare. GO Bare - lacking something. I feel this way, me, a lack of purpose, wondering, hoping, waiting, lost. But she, she has no God, no home, ... READ the POST