Today, I am pleased to welcome my friend, Jacqui Bennett, from Faith and Simplicity to my blog, and she shares about exposing the loneliness of trials. ***** “My Father, there are reasons why I ... READ the POST
Exposing a Fortress of Fear
Friends, thank you for your grace and patience with me as I have been out of pocket here. Today we continue with the Out of Dark into the Light series with my friend, Tanya Zelem, as guest blogger ... READ the POST
The Comforter
Next week, we will return to Out of the Dark, Into the Light series. ***** My sister, Jenn, is six years younger than me. After she was born, when mom and dad moved her upstairs to my room, she ... READ the POST
A Good Word #1: Freedom
I've decided to post short "good words" each week. Think Beth Moore saying,"Now, that is a good word." :) With no further adieu, a good word #1: freedom. Happy Independence Day!! ... READ the POST
Summertime Dinner Song
Today's blog post courtesy of Annabelle Harper and her dinner time song: "Scoop some beeeeans, have some coooorrrn, eat that chicken, and have some mooooorrrre!" Photo credit: Bitman ... READ the POST
Exposing Truth
Today, I am excited to welcome my friend, Monica Steely, to the blog, continuing in our Out of the Dark, Into the Light series on exposing truth. I love the story she is sharing today - it speaks of ... READ the POST