Does God's loyalty equal His approval? I am in a Bible study in which the teacher and author implies that God's loyalty does not equal His approval. I can see where she came to that conclusion ... READ the POST
On Fame, Worth, Habits, and Womanhood
Writing a piece like this is risky, but I just felt like it is needed - on fame, worth, habits, and womanhood. On Fame, Worth, Habits, and Womanhood Several years ago before I was a wife or mother, ... READ the POST
Not Like Me
I have mentioned in the past that I sometimes have friend disorders. God has brought a lot of healing to that area of my life, and this post is about friends, but not in the ... READ the POST
Tilling the Soil of a Child’s Heart
My kids go to public school, but this year for the first year we are "homeschooling" the Bible with them. This spring when I studied Deuteronomy I was convicted. The Bible needs to be taught in the ... READ the POST
Watching the Trees
Some people just have a way with words, a breath-taking, sweep you off your feet, way. I never think of myself as able to romance you with words. Nevertheless, Emily's post inspired me to ... READ the POST
A more simple me
I am not sure where to begin or what to say. It's like that when you break a silence sometimes. Most of the time we are too busy running hectic listening to so many noises that we don't hear silence ... READ the POST