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Day 19: an Old Shaker Hymn
Today's old Shaker hymn is again courtesy of Richard J Foster's book, "Celebration of Discipline." Day 19: an Old Shaker hymn. Tis the gift to be simple, Tis the gift to be free, Tis the gift to ... READ the POST
Day 18: What Simplicity Looks Like
Simplicity looks like Jesus, so today I attempt to paint for you in words the woman who showed me what Jesus was like. What Simplicity Looks Like Every Friday or Saturday, Granny went to the beauty ... READ the POST
Day 17: Biblical Simplicity and Giving
Giving in the Bible "All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need." Acts 2:44-45 "Out of the most severe ... READ the POST
Day 16: Biblical Simplicity and Food
I hope to be back on schedule with posting on time in the morning. Crossing my fingers... :) Today's post is lengthy, and if you are new this is not the typical post length. The Table Updated I ... READ the POST
Day 15: Decluttering
This post will be a little later than usual today because I was not feeling well at the time I planned to write this. Very recently someone said of me that they couldn't imagine me as a child - ... READ the POST