Last week, I encouraged you to embrace fearlessness. This week I lived it wide open, and it made my heart smile, fully alive and free. I realized that to live fully alive is to embrace pain. An ... READ the POST
Imagineering Fearlessness
Fear - it hounds me and surrounds me. Forces me into the corner and makes me feel small. Maybe even holds me captive. In high school, it's the fear of being found incapable. In college, it's the ... READ the POST
Books I read in 2013
They say good writers have to be good readers, so I aimed to read well written books this year. I read a lot this year. I read in a way that I have not read since probably before college. I read to ... READ the POST
One Word 2014
I have struggled with what one word to choose for 2014. It hasn't come to me easily. Only one week into the year and the Lord is doing some serious sifting and removing the dead parts of my heart. Who ... READ the POST
Best Posts of 2013
2013 was not a record year for me in life nor in blogging, but nonetheless, this blog and I continued to grow through the mess and struggle, so here's the best 13 of 2013, blog version. Please read ... READ the POST
On Ducking Out or Being Unified
The other day I posted this on my facebook page: "The deal with Phil is that it is more complex then just his position on homosexuality. He made racist remarks and spoke ignorantly in that regard. He ... READ the POST