If you are not familiar with "church talk," being "on fire" or "on fire for God" is a phrase we use to say we are passionate about God and the things of God, that we have a holy fire raging within us. ... READ the POST
Rhythms of Faith and Remembering: Charity
Today I am going to ask you to do something I have never asked my readers to do. I am going to ask you to give me a gift! Have you ever heard of Blood:Water Mission or Save a Drink? Since ... READ the POST
Rhythms of Faith and Remembering: Ash Wednesday
In this season of slowing, my soul is also quieter and my heart is rent. I would not be so bold as to say I am closer to God, but I feel closer to Him - there is a greater sense of holy presence and ... READ the POST
The Lesson of the Starfish
This post is to linking up with my online writer's group, (in)couraged to Explore the Writing Life, and we are reading, "The Writing Life" by Annie Dillard. This week I chose a quote that I liked from ... READ the POST
You are Loved
I don't really know the history of Valentine's Day, but my dad or my mom used to say that it was a holiday fabricated much like Mother's Day or Father's Day in order to sell more flowers and greeting ... READ the POST
How I Became a Writer
I am part of an (in)courage online writing community, and this week's prompt is to write about how you happened upon your writing journey. ***** Although I wrote a little when I was younger, one ... READ the POST