If you are reading via email, I am in a new space. Click over and say hello, even if we are fast friends. Make sure you still want to stay subscribed, AND I am attempting to categorize posts in a such ... READ the POST
How to Kill Sin
Get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the Word planted in you, which can save you. Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it ... READ the POST
What I Learned, What I am Into, and Live Small, Love Big (or all the things to link to Friday)
I am so excited that I am almost finished with getting the new blog space ready. I have almost read everything I've ever published for the Internet, and folks, that is a lot - I deleted some things ... READ the POST
Welcome to the Prima Donna Demo
Salvia food truck selfies, chia asymmetrical kombucha gastropub normcore irony trust fund meggings ramps organic vice. Freegan pour-over dreamcatcher leggings fingerstache, banjo taxidermy meggings ... READ the POST
One Simple Way to Find Your Elusive Calling
Sunday night finds me watching a few clips and pieces from the If:Gathering 2015. When I saw that Shauna Niequist was interviewing her mom, Lynne Hybels, I wanted to watch. I had seen Shauna speak on ... READ the POST
When Christmas does not feel Magical
As a child, Christmas to me was pure magic. There was nothing like opening a million packages and the anticipation and joy of Christmas. As an adult, childhood seems a utopia of abundant living. What ... READ the POST