Once upon a different time, roughly 2001 or so, I found myself in the darkest season of my life. The circumstances are really inconsequential to the story as sometimes we only use them to compare and ... READ the POST
Caverns of the Heart
Once upon a time, I was a dirt specialist - a soils and foundation engineer. I never knew that playing with mud pies could equate to a career; neither did I intend to play with mud pies when I went to ... READ the POST
I like to torture myself
So I've decided to write for 31 days... Just kidding. I like to write, and I don't know how I will write every day for 31 days as I've not always been successful, so that's the torturous part. I ... READ the POST
Being Molded through Church Change: a followup to my Reforming Church series
Today, I'm just gonna write honest, as if I was rambling with you, with a point, over coffee or tea. Lean in. Being Molded Through Church Change You may remember last year's award-winning series ... READ the POST
Giveaway Winners!
Yay to everyone who entered to win Wild in the Hollow or Simply Tuesday! The winners are: Tanya Zelem for Wild in the Hollow Megan for Simply Tuesday I will be emailing you so I can send ... READ the POST
What I am Learning
Here's some things I am learning since school started (homeschool and regular school 😂). First of all, I knew that homeschool would mean that I would have to cast off a bit of the sin of laziness, ... READ the POST