Lately, my life has been a bit dry. Dry seasons stink. Even my words don't feel right. In fact you may have seen that I wrote a post, and then I removed it. It was what I feel was ... READ the POST
Books: Go Set a Watchman
I've always enjoyed posting about books I am reading, though in the past I've done it in an all in one post. This year, I want to write about each book after I finish, which leads us to ... READ the POST
My word of 2016: yield hope
At the beginning of 2016, I find myself still in process from the previous year and maybe years. My heart and soul are quiet. So quiet that it is hard to adequately communicate them with ... READ the POST
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, I am Refugee
Every time I listen to "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," I hear it. The next words say, "to ransom captive Israel that mourns in lonely exile here." Every time, I think of the refugees and the crisis we ... READ the POST
I am the Least – introducing a Christmas series
When I think of Christmas, I think of the least of these. I think it is because I hate the conventional form of Christmas. For years and years, I've let the convention of Christmas rob my joy. ... READ the POST
A Few Thoughts on Homeschooling at the end of the first semester
We are wrapping up our first semester of homeschooling (next week, we will be out for Christmas!), and although I have no intention of becoming a homeschool blogger, I wanted to document my thoughts ... READ the POST