Jesus, when we are weak, comes for you,
seeking you like a little lost sheep.
He wants you to come back home, whole-hearted and found.
Hush, do not make a sound.
Oh, how you are loved.
For the Father above
has not left you when you yell.
He has not left you when you fail.
He has not left you when you are lost.
He has not left you when you cannot pay the cost.
Jesus, when we are weak, comes for you,
seeking you like a little lost sheep.
He wants you to come back home, whole-hearted and found.
Hush, do not make a sound.
Oh, how you are loved.
For the Father above
does not roam to and fro
like the father below.
His eyes range on all His Hearts,
strengthening those in the dark.
Jesus, when we are weak, comes for you,
seeking you like a little lost sheep.
He wants you to come back home, whole-hearted and found.
Hush, do not make a sound.
Oh, how you are loved.
For the Father above
hears you when you call
Wanting forever to be your all in all,
so fix your eyes on Him
Jesus, when we are weak, comes for you,
seeking you like a little lost sheep.
He wants you to come back home, whole-hearted and found.
Hush, do not make a sound.
Oh, how you are loved.
For the Father above
mends all the broken hearts
You are His poetry and art
Your weak places are Holy scars
on Christ’s body, shining like stars
Jesus, when we are weak, comes for you,
seeking you like a little lost sheep.
He wants you to come back home, whole-hearted and found.
Hush, do not make a sound.
Oh, how you are loved.
For the Father above
has made those places His tattoos
where all of His hope may ooze
for in the unseen He is doing
A Magnificent Pursuing
Jesus, when we are weak, comes for you,
seeking you like a little lost sheep.
He wants you to come back home, whole-hearted and found.
Hush, do not make a sound.
Oh, how you are loved.
For the Father above
gave us a great gift – the Spirit wind
who is our most dearest friend
comforting, consoling, counseling, His care
is always, eternally there.
Jesus, when we are weak, comes for you,
seeking you like a little lost sheep.
He wants you to come back home, whole-hearted and found.
Hush, do not make a sound.
Oh, how you are loved.
For the Father above
has written your name on His heart with love.
Jesus paid for you,
gladly He took the penalty of our sin
so we could live again.
Jesus, when we are weak, comes for you,
seeking you like a little lost sheep.
He wants you to come back home, whole-hearted and found.
Hush, do not make a sound.
Oh, how you are loved.
Jamie – This poem is just beautiful and so very encouraging! I love it! Thank you for sharing it!
Maria! I am so glad it encouraged you! <3 to you!
Such a beautiful poem. I especially love the lines:
“For the Father above
mends all the broken hearts
You are His poetry and art
Your weak places are Holy scars
on Christ’s body, shining like stars”
I’ve been meditating on that today, as I’ve looked up in wonder at His tapestries of skies. Thank you for encouraging me to do so. It’s made me reflect on how as humans we (me in particular!) too often like to package and cut things into an “acceptable”, in our eyes beautiful, shape, even wanting people to conform to our way of thinking. And yet it is the contrast of the light with the dark that makes the light shine more brightly. It is our brokenness and neediness, both our grief and our sins, that allow His Majesty to be revealed more powerfully, if we let Him into it all.
Oh, thank you for sharing how these words sparked your mediation on Jesus and His truths! Your thoughts are so beautiful! I was thinking how Jesus, Himself, was not considered beautiful by the world’s eyes, but He was the most beautiful inside. May we let that shape us more and more – our weaknesses let Him shine brightest.