Each week we get together to come Unglued, and today we are wrapping it up as we read Chapter 12 Unglued: It Isn’t All Bad and Epilogue.
Jamie’s Thoughts
The book ends well. 🙂 Especially for a girl who blogs about brokenness and grace. This is perhaps my favorite quote of the book:
Might we agree that coming unglued is glorious if the end result of that brokenness leads us to holiness?
or this one:
If we let it, unglued will allow us to become humbly and beautifully broken before Him. I pray I am more often broken and less often unglued. But if unglued leads me to being broken, I am thankful.
Amen. Yes. How many times I have come unglued? So many. And step by small baby step sometimes I see those moments in a way I need to see them, as holy opportunities to change and abide by His Holy word.
Our unglued moments are those that tend to either showcase or hide our true inner selves. In bible study this week, I had to give myself a title like Paul’s “chief of sinners,” and I chose, “Chief of Hiders,” because for so long, I’ve hidden or spewed pain. We are hurt, broken, sinful people, and we can use our hurts, brokenness, and sin to perpetuate hurt to others. In fact when someone comes unglued on us, we have an opportunity to come unglued or offer grace. I want desperately to offer the grace I’ve been given, the grace that says I am always loved, unglued or not.
“Take His hand, trust His love, and walk in the beautiful opportunity for imperfect progress.”
I’ve enjoyed this journey, friends! May we continue to journey toward imperfect progress.
Kayse’s Thoughts
This is the last week of our Unglued series. I’ve so enjoyed walking through this book with you, friends! Today’s chapter discussion is no different. Let’s end well, shall we?
The honest truth is that reading a book isn’t going to stop our unglued moments from occurring. They happen every day. We lose our patience, lose our temper, lose our self-control, and we either explode or implode, neither of which are beneficial for us our those around us.
So what do we do with that?
Coming unglued isn’t all bad if it brings us to God.
We can live well, aware that situations will arise that bump into our happy. We can identify those unglued moments and direct ourselves toward the One who has the power to redeem, change, and grow.
We won’t catch every one, but we can catch some. Especially now that we are more aware of what type of unglued we lean toward. And the ones we don’t catch, well, those we can grow from. Learn some more about forgiveness and redemption and grace.
Most of all, we know that we have a choice.
We can choose to stay as we are, refusing growth because we are afraid we won’t ever reach “perfect”, so why try?
Or we can choose to grow, to take it one step at a time, to pray for the strength to walk through those unglued moments with grace and perspective.
The choice of walking toward imperfect progress.
We can make that choice today. And tomorrow. And the next day.
I think it’s a choice worth making.
Will you join me?
I am so thankful to Kayse Pratt for letting me tag along in her Unglued journey. I have so enjoyed participating and seeing how God meshes our thoughts together (or not) each week. Be sure to stop by her blog and say hello. She’s working on a book I can’t wait to read!
Thanks for doing this awesome giveaway!
What fun! Can’t wait to read Lysa’s latest!
Hi! I’m one of Kayse’s followers and have enjoyed reading your post each week. I’d love to win the book and share it with my friends (none of us have read it yet).
Hi, Jamie ~ Would love to win a copy of this book. I haven’t read it, but it sounds amazing! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
Last day! Last day! Excited to see who wins the book (selfishly hope it’s me so I can recommend it to all the followers on shepherdmychild.com!) 🙂 Hope you’re having a great week, Jamie!
Thanks for the chance~
Would love to win this book!
Been wanting to read this. Would love to win.
Really need and want this! Thanks for the chance:)
Coming unglued is NOT hard for me, it’s doing it the RIGHT way! 😉 Missed the online series, would like the chance to read the book!
I’m very interested in this book. I’d love to win!
Thanks for the giveaway! Hope i win!
Been looking forward to reading this!
Love Lysa Terkherst!
I have been wanting to read this book!
enter me please
I’ve been wanting to get this book, I’d love to win this!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
Love Unglued on my Kindle but would love. Real book copy! Lysa rocks!
Your blog is lovely! I bet the book is great 🙂 I saw Lysa in Austin a while back. Really enjoyed it. Have certain things she said that I still remember.