Please welcome my new friend, Dana Butler, to kick off our series Out of the Dark, Into the Light.
It happened all the time, almost daily. At the mall, the grocery store, the zoo. It was second nature, like breathing.
It was jealousy. But I never would have called it that. It wasn’t outright or obvious or boiling inside me. It was much deeper, further beneath the surface.
The trigger? Other moms who had more kids than I had. Which, by the way, weren’t hard to spot, since I only have one.
Fertility has been a struggle for me. I’ve had miscarriages. A tubal pregnancy. We even lost the 2 girls we parented when we tried to foster-to-adopt. And our current private adoption-in-process? We’ve been on this road for over a year. No movement yet.
Lately God has asked me to allow my dreams of having a large family to die. I’m learning to step back and take a look at the bigger picture of what God might want to do in my life.
And, how His plan for my family and my future might look utterly different than mine.
I’m beginning to be okay with my story not turning out the way I thought it would. Opening my clenched fists, letting go of my dreams and ambitions.
And God is yet again proving Himself completely trustworthy with my heart and my desires.
An interesting thing has happened inside me in this season: I’ve noticed a massive shift in my heart-attitude toward other mothers. As I’ve stopped grasping for what I don’t have (more children), I’ve begun to find in myself a profound appreciation and honor for those who do have what I’ve longed for.
The mom at the zoo with two kids under 5 and a baby strapped to her front. The mom at the mall with the triplet stroller. The precious moms in my own church family with 4, 5, 6 kids in tow.
These sweet ladies and others like them formerly provoked me to frustration, insecurity, even a bit of self-pity. I masked it well. I often hid it even from myself. But jealousy was there, lurking under the surface.
When I did allow myself to see it, I hated it. Hated that it had taken up residence in my heart. I knew that somehow I had allowed it. I prayed, told the Lord I was sorry, asked Him to take the ugliness out of my heart.
But nothing changed.
Nothing, that is, until I learned to trust and embrace God’s plan for my life and my future. Even when I couldn’t understand His ways.
And now? Those ladies who would formerly have (completely unbeknownst to them) provoked me to jealousy? They’re my heroes. I deeply admire them. I see how they continually bust their bottoms to serve their children, how they lay their lives down for their families, day after day. Night after sleepless night.
And all I can say is, “Mama-friend, you are da bomb.” I’m just in awe.
But you can’t encourage someone if you’re comparing your life to theirs. You can’t uplift someone if you envy them.
Jealousy poisons the heart.
And the interesting thing is, you can’t just attack the jealousy itself and make it go away. You have to look at the root issue.
The root of jealousy? It’s a lack of trust in God’s wisdom, His heart toward us, His plan for our lives.
We must let go of fearfully grasping for what we don’t have or wishing our lives looked different. We must embrace contentment, and dive wholeheartedly into the life that He’s put right in front of us.
And when we do? We can expect Divine encounter around every turn.
Because God lives in the now of our lives. The present is where He waits to reveal Himself to us. The present is where He offers grace, joy, strength for every. single. moment. We miss Him when we try to live anywhere else but in the life He’s put before us.
And we end up discontent. And jealous of others whose lives (from the outside) look more appealing than our own.
Friend, God is inviting us into deeper trust. Faith that His plan and purpose for our lives are perfectly designed for us. That His heart toward us is extravagant. That He really is committed to our ultimate fulfillment. That His grand scheme for our futures is to bring our hearts to LIFE.
Wild joy. Crazy freedom. Radical contentment. Utter fulfillment.
As we fully trust God’s heart toward us and embrace the life He’s put in front of us, jealousy will begin to fade away. You’ll wake up one of these mornings and realize: it’s gone.
Leaving jealousy in the dust and diving into abundance with you today.
By Dana Butler: husband to Stan, mom to Isaac, regular blogger, drinker of iced coffee. Running around like an excited-beyond-words chicken with its head cut off… because after writing this post, the news came: Baby girl, due mid-June. Birth mom chose…. US!
Dana invites you to connect with her on her Facebook page, and at her blog, Moments and Invitations, where you can pick up her free e-book, Stillness Manifesto: A Call to NON-Action (Complete with Non-Instructions). At her blog, Dana continues to chronicle her family’s adoption journey and provoke others to a deepened response to God’s moment-by-moment pursuit.
What a beautiful (and convicting!) post. Thank you for sharing your heart! (And congratulations! Just said a prayer for every need to be met in every area in your upcoming adoption!)
I so appreciate your encouragement and prayers!! Thank you! 🙂
I suffered through 11 years of secondary infertility and I also let jealousy take root. I did try so hard not to but it did anyway. We did go on to adopt 2 beautiful girls through foster care and when the time came that I hoped for more I felt God saying stop trying, similar to what you experienced. However, He then told me later that He wasn’t taking my dream of a large family away, He wanted to be the ONLY answer. So that when it happened I would know and could proclaim it was all Him. Four months after that at a women’s conference He told me I’d be pregnant that month, and after 11 1/2 years of infertility I did get pregnant that month. He worked it out so perfectly for us and I know He will for you too! Can’t wait to visit your blog and read more from you.
Wow Tracee – I love hearing your story! His ways and His timing are so perfect, aren’t they?! Come on over! 🙂 Happy to have you around my place! Thanks so much for sharing here.
“We miss Him when we try to live anywhere else but in the life He’s put before us.” that. yes. thank you for this reminder. I am choosing contentment. I am choosing life. To receive and to give. your heart is beautiful before the Lord.
Thank you for your encouragement… it’s a reminder that I need every. single. day. 🙂
You know that I read this post before it was posted here. God definitely used it to speak to me, to my heart in the timing of some things He has been teaching me. I am so excited that He has worked in your heart in a way that you can share what he has done to edify others not to be jealous, when comparison is so much easier to do. A call to contentment is just what I needed. 🙂 Thank you for sharing such a lovely post here today.
Thanks again for inviting me, Jamie! Comparison is the easiest trap to fall into, isn’t it? I feel like that’s especially true for women. Anyway… onward into contentment and abundant fulfillment! 🙂
Dana, your words ring true with me. I, too, had a dream of a large family. I’m struggling with being happy with what I do have while still dreaming of having more. I don’t know that it’s in the cards for us but I still hope someday. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful.